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ï»\xBF(End) (Original title: China's most northern alpine high-speed rail Bihac high-speed railway operator) Editor: SN098 [Search and Rescue member about: the dark to rescue 10 miners and four elderly people first arrived on the scene] Hill County Fire Squadron instructor, said Zheng Qiang, saw a light in the dark mountainside, approached saw 10 miners sit on the floor. Firemen lead them down after he was found four elderly. One elderly asthma attack, a frightened old man could not move. Two elderly people were firemen stretcher to a safe location. Beijing correspondent Zhang Heng Zhang Sijia Xinhua News Agency, Xi'an, August 12 - Question: sudden disaster caused 60 people were missing three suspects to be clarified - Shaanxi Hill County, '8.12' incident tracking landslide, 'Xinhua News Agency Xinhua Viewpoint' correspondent Furui Xia Liang Aiping Iwashi Yong at 0:30 on August 12 or so, Shangluo City in Shaanxi Province County village mountain village, near the smoke living area Shaanxi Wuzhou Mining Co. sudden landslides, causing the plant 15 staff quarters, three houses were buried about 60 people are missing. Xinhua Viewpoint reporter at the scene learned that the current ongoing tension in the local search and rescue work. At the same time, this catastrophic event Currently there are many doubts, especially local rainfall does not occur prior to the incident, what factors led to the major disaster to be further clarified. August 12 at noon, reporters rushed to the scene of the accident is located in Hill County. Landslide accident site in the mountains, a huge slide down hill after almost a whole in the ground formed a landslide of more than 30 meters, on two excavators are a mixed gravel and clods of landslide caution ground operations. After the rescue of the Armed Police Force is responsible for site investigation, the volume of the landslide in the Articles 150 to 160 cubic meters, a large amount of earth to rescue great difficulty. Reporters learned that, after the accident the first alarm was a pickup truck driver, time of the incident he was driving to escape, although the landslide zone has left some distance, but the shock was still his pickup truck off the road landslide caused by the punch 20 I m serious deformation of the vehicle also suffered shock. In the accident, in addition to about 60 people missing, there are 14 survivors, most of them are self-escape. A hotel in Hill County, the reporter saw

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