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Price bought two city Lai Ting Road Songjiang District villa. After valuation, 2003, the above two villas in the market price and the actual price difference between the purchase Wang Zongnan parents total 269 million yuan. Thereafter, the above two properties were resold in 2010, 2013, sales totaled $ 14.8 million in the proceeds. The court held that the defendant Wang Zongnan advantage of his office, together with others, common embezzlement 1.95 million yuan, also used his position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepting bribes 269 million yuan, respectively, their behavior constituted embezzlement, bribery, misappropriation serious cases of public funds, according to the law should be concurrence of two crimes, accordingly, made the decision in accordance with the criminal law and the relevant provisions of legislative interpretation. Summer evening cloud data plan Gu Junshan data plan Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 11 - Title: 'Three false' three questions: from the 'paper talk false' to implement far? Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Nuo NIE can, Qian Chunxian false difficult Hugh? Vacation time rigid? Holiday travel 'sea of ​​people'? Over the years, 'leave trouble' troubled office worker. State Council recently issued the 'Opinions on Further Promoting the tourism investment and consumption,' raised by optimizing paid leave system to encourage peak load shifting vacation, rest and so encourage elasticity, stimulate tourism consumption demand. The advice for the first time paid leave, vacation staggering '2.5 days leave little short' be made, immediately led to a public hot, leave system is known as the 'ice-breaking.' Well, this 'three false' how to put in place, and what a test unit, the company's 'tone false wisdom'? '2.5 days leave little short': how to avoid the 'illusion'? Once triggered speculation '2.5 days Flexible schedule' get to the bottom 11. He comments that 'conditions of localities and units according to the actual situation, according to the summer schedule optimization and adjustment arrangements, create favorable conditions for the workers to go out on Friday afternoon and the weekend combined with leisure.' Work in Beijing, Hebei Chen Gang said: 'The usual two-day weekend to go home too rush, more than half a day will be able to 'Huijia see', especially in the hot summer days, more than a half-day holiday is a good welfare.' However, , reporters found that, under the 'working future considerations' and 'leave costs' overlay, some of the workers are still concerns

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